Our Story


We are Jared + Laurie DeLiberato. Our journey into the Gluten Free world started shortly after we were married in 2008.

Laurie was diagnosed with Celiac in 2009. Going gluten free has been a game changer in her health.

But the reality is, we are still normal people. We enjoy eating a piece of bread that doesn't taste like cardboard. We want to have pancakes on a Saturday morning with our kids that are easy to make while we sip coffee because our children still wake up with the sun. Every. Day.

So we began baking and researching how to make non cardboard gluten free food. There has been a lot of trial and error to find what worked well for our family. Maybe even some tears as cakes fell apart the night before a party. But! Slowly we found our way. We could have brownies on a whim because someone was in the mood for them. Birthday parties are covered. Brunch, we've got you.

But, why a bakery?

We want to share the goodness of a delicious scone made fresh. We want others to have a brownie that will put a box to shame. We want people to have a treat that they want and not one they settle for.

Eating gluten free doesn't have to mean you won't enjoy treats again. You can have your cake and eat it too, because it's gluten free.